Many Thanks to:
Geza Paukovics
Mariusz Cwikla
Lutz Krause
Winfried Scheible
Istvan Toth
Tobias Brandt
Zsolt Balogh
Kasimir Gawor
W. Bold
Jonas Angenendt
Norbert Kiss
Hans-Peter Tatschl
Norbert Kiss
Dirk-Lutz Fischer

Last Changes: 20.12.2024
Hits: 18434

The most used and best Glider in 2016

Es haben 391 Piloten in 4485 Stunden 13 Minuten 34 Sekunden insgesamt 661363.6 Kilometer geflogen,
von den 7112 Flügen waren 2558 (35.97%) erfolgreich, es gab 644 ordentliche Außenlandungen, aber 1920 Crashs und 1988 haben sich im Flug ausgeloggt.

Most selected Glider
Typ of Glider How often Selected Coming Home Perc. Success
Ventus2 1832 677 36.95
ASW27 1618 612 37.82
LS4 1278 522 40.85
JantarStd3 705 275 39.01
ASW28-18 478 68 14.23
ASG29 202 66 32.67
LS8 150 65 43.33
Ventus2cx 135 37 27.41
ASW28 122 44 36.07
LS6 114 26 22.81
ASW22 110 34 30.91
Nimbus4 66 18 27.27
Discus2c 60 21 35
Discus2 59 18 30.51
Fox 55 23 41.82
LS8s 42 17 40.48
LS10 38 16 42.11
ASW19 16 10 62.5
Jantar2b 12 1 8.33
Libelle 10 4 40
ASK13 7 4 57.14
ASW15 3 0

   Glider with the best success...
Typ of Glider How often Selected Coming Home Perc. Success
ASW19 16 10 62.5
ASK13 7 4 57.14
LS8 150 65 43.33
LS10 38 16 42.11
Fox 55 23 41.82
LS4 1278 522 40.85
LS8s 42 17 40.48
Libelle 10 4 40
JantarStd3 705 275 39.01
ASW27 1618 612 37.82
Ventus2 1832 677 36.95
ASW28 122 44 36.07
Discus2c 60 21 35
ASG29 202 66 32.67
ASW22 110 34 30.91
Discus2 59 18 30.51
Ventus2cx 135 37 27.41
Nimbus4 66 18 27.27
LS6 114 26 22.81
ASW28-18 478 68 14.23
Jantar2b 12 1 8.33
ASW15 3 0

The fastest flight come from H.Blazz (HBH) with ASW27.
He flew 150.0 km with an average from 227 km/h on Task 160701_cut_07

Top Ten
player cn plane dist task V
H.Blazz HBH ASW27 150.0 km 160701_cut_07 227
Juliett.Oscar JO ASW27 150.0 km 160701_cut_07 225.9
H.Blazz HBH ASW27 150.0 km 160701_cut_07 225.9
H.Blazz HBH ASW27 150.0 km 160701_cut_07 225.7
H.Blazz HBH ASW27 150.0 km 160701_cut_07 225
Laszlo.Orsy EJE ASW27 158.0 km 160301_cut_03 224.4
H.Blazz HBH ASW27 150.0 km 160701_cut_07 224.4
H.Blazz HBH ASW27 150.0 km 160701_cut_07 223.7
Norbert.Kiss CN ASW27 150.0 km 160701_cut_07 223.2
H.Blazz HBH ASW27 150.0 km 160701_cut_07 222.7