Many Thanks to:
Geza Paukovics
Mariusz Cwikla
Lutz Krause
Winfried Scheible
Istvan Toth
Tobias Brandt
Zsolt Balogh
Kasimir Gawor
W. Bold
Jonas Angenendt
Norbert Kiss
Hans-Peter Tatschl
Norbert Kiss
Dirk-Lutz Fischer

Last Changes: 02.09.2024
Hits: 7506

The most used and best Glider

Es haben 262 Piloten in 1355 Stunden 25 Minuten 16 Sekunden insgesamt 211185.5 Kilometer geflogen,
von den 2092 Flügen waren 993 (47.47%) erfolgreich, es gab 187 ordentliche Außenlandungen, aber 436 Crashs und 467 haben sich im Flug ausgeloggt.

Most selected Glider
Typ of Glider How often Selected Coming Home Perc. Success
JS3-15 1279 663 51.84
EB29R 181 75 41.44
JS3-18 152 61 40.13
Diana2 68 25 36.76
LS8neo 45 37 82.22
Ventus3-18 37 11 29.73
Discus2a 35 17 48.57
Antares18S 34 6 17.65
ASW20 33 11 33.33
ASW28-15 33 12 36.36
JS1-18 30 14 46.67
StdCirrus 28 6 21.43
LS4a 28 13 46.43
SwiftS1 23 15 65.22
Ventus3-15 20 9 45
DuoDiscus 7 4 57.14
ASW19 7 0
ASK21 6 0
JS1-21 6 1 16.67
Libelle 5 1 20
ASG29-18 5 2 40
K8 4 0
Blanik 4 1 25
Genesis2 3 2 66.67
DG808C-18 3 1 33.33
LS3a 3 2 66.67
DG808C-15 2 2 100
DG1000S 2 0
Pegase 2 1 50
Arcus 1 0
PilatusB4 1 1 100
Ka6CR 1 0
SG38 1 0
ASG29Es-18 1 0
StemmeS12 1 0
DG101G 1 0

   Glider with the best success...
Typ of Glider How often Selected Coming Home Perc. Success
PilatusB4 1 1 100
DG808C-15 2 2 100
LS8neo 45 37 82.22
LS3a 3 2 66.67
Genesis2 3 2 66.67
SwiftS1 23 15 65.22
DuoDiscus 7 4 57.14
JS3-15 1279 663 51.84
Pegase 2 1 50
Discus2a 35 17 48.57
JS1-18 30 14 46.67
LS4a 28 13 46.43
Ventus3-15 20 9 45
EB29R 181 75 41.44
JS3-18 152 61 40.13
ASG29-18 5 2 40
Diana2 68 25 36.76
ASW28-15 33 12 36.36
ASW20 33 11 33.33
DG808C-18 3 1 33.33
Ventus3-18 37 11 29.73
Blanik 4 1 25
StdCirrus 28 6 21.43
Libelle 5 1 20
Antares18S 34 6 17.65
JS1-21 6 1 16.67
SG38 1 0
Ka6CR 1 0
StemmeS12 1 0
ASG29Es-18 1 0
Arcus 1 0
DG1000S 2 0
K8 4 0
ASK21 6 0
ASW19 7 0
DG101G 1 0

The fastest flight come from H.Blazz (HBH) with EB29R.
He flew 153.2 km with an average from 217.5 km/h on Task 2024_02

Top Ten
player cn plane dist task V
H.Blazz HBH EB29R 153.2 km 2024_02 217.5
H.Blazz HBH JS3-15 158.3 km 2024_07 215.1
Tamas.Mayer MYR JS3-15 158.3 km 2024_07 214.9
H.Blazz HBH JS3-15 154.8 km 2024_01 214.8
H.Blazz HBH JS3-15 158.3 km 2024_07 213.8
Pipi.Langstrump PHI EB29R 153.2 km 2024_02 213.1
Sandor.Laurinyecz LS JS3-15 158.3 km 2024_07 213
H.Blazz HBH JS3-15 158.3 km 2024_07 212.9
H.Blazz HBH JS3-15 158.3 km 2024_07 212.3
Norbert.Kiss CN JS3-15 158.3 km 2024_07 211.6