Many Thanks to:
Geza Paukovics
Mariusz Cwikla
Lutz Krause
Winfried Scheible
Istvan Toth
Tobias Brandt
Zsolt Balogh
Kasimir Gawor
W. Bold
Jonas Angenendt
Norbert Kiss
Hans-Peter Tatschl
Norbert Kiss
Dirk-Lutz Fischer

Last Changes: 02.09.2024
Hits: 7536

The most used and best Gliders in around 26.000 Flights in Condor 1 from 2015 to 2019

In this time 1.679 pilots have flown 16.822 hours 31 minutes 12 seconds a total of 1.388.289,5 kilometres.
By all 26.660 flights, were 10.419 successful completed, there were 1.921 regular and save outlandings, but 7.182 Crashes and 7.132 have logged out in flight.

In dieser Zeit haben 1.679 Piloten in 16.822 Stunden 31 Minuten 12 Sekunden insgesamt 1.388.289,5 Kilometer geflogen,
von den 26.660 Fluegen waren 10.419 erfolgreich, es gab 1.921 ordentliche Aussenlandungen, aber 7.182 Crashs und 7.132 haben sich im Flug ausgeloggt.